Moth of Cyprus : Pterophoridae Family
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Agdistis cypriota | Pterophoridae |
Agdistis frankeniae | Pterophoridae |
Agdistis heydeni | Pterophoridae |
Agdistis meridionalis | Pterophoridae |
Agdistis nigra | Pterophoridae |
Agdistis protai | Pterophoridae |
Agdistis tamaricis | Pterophoridae |
Amblyptilia acanthadactyla | Pterophoridae |
Capperia celeusi | Pterophoridae |
Capperia maratonica | Pterophoridae |
Capperia marginellus | Pterophoridae |
Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla | Pterophoridae |
Crombrugghia distans | Pterophoridae |
Crombrugghia reichli | Pterophoridae |
Emmelina monodactyla | Pterophoridae |
Hellinsia inulae | Pterophoridae |
Hellinsia pectodactyla | Pterophoridae |
Hellinsia pectodactylus | Pterophoridae |
Merrifieldia malacodactylus | Pterophoridae |
Puerphorus olbiadactylus | Pterophoridae |
Stangeia siceliota | Pterophoridae |
Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla | Pterophoridae |
Stenoptilia elkefi | Pterophoridae |
Stenoptilia lucasi | Pterophoridae |
Stenoptilia zophodactylus | Pterophoridae |
Stenoptilodes taprobanes | Pterophoridae |
Tabulaephorus punctinervis | Pterophoridae |
Wheeleria ivae | Pterophoridae |
Wheeleria obsoletus | Pterophoridae |
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