Bird of Cyprus : Podiceps nigricollis ( Black-necked grebe - Μαυροβουτηχτάρι )
Size : 28 - 34 cm
Wingspan : 46 - 55 cm
Eggs : 2 -5
Habitat : high-saline lakes and certain coastal bays
Feeding : Insects and crustaceans make up the majority of the diet. When Black-necked Grebes are on hypersaline lakes, brine shrimp are an important food source for them.
Size : 28 - 34 cm
Wingspan : 46 - 55 cm
Eggs : 2 -5
Habitat : high-saline lakes and certain coastal bays
Feeding : Insects and crustaceans make up the majority of the diet. When Black-necked Grebes are on hypersaline lakes, brine shrimp are an important food source for them.