Cyprus Discovery Map

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Papilio Machaon - Swallowtail

Flowers - Plants

Anemone coronaria - Poppy Anemone - Ανεμώνη


Tzelefos Medieval Bridge - Μεσαιωνικό Γεφύρη Τζελεφού

Landscapes - Places - Villages - Churches

Akrotiri Beach, Episkopi Bay - Παραλία στο Ακρωτήρι, Κόλπος Επισκοπής


Little Egret , Λευκοτσικνιάς, Egretta garzetta

Butterfly : Gonepteryx cleopatra ( Cleopatra )

Butterfly of Cyprus :  Gonepteryx cleopatra ( Cleopatra )
Family: Pieridae 
Size : 55-60 mm 
Altitude : 0-2000 m
Host Plant : Rhamnus alaternus, Rhamnus oleoides
Find the list of Cyprus butterflies HERE.

Akrotiri - May

Flora : Caryophyllaceae : Silene gemmata

Flora of Cyprus
Scientific Name  : Silene gemmata
Family Name : Caryophyllaceae 
Status : Indigenous (IN) 
Endemism : near-endemic, also in Greece (East Aegean Islands)
Red Data Book category : Vulnerable (VU) IUCN criteria: D2
Altitudinal range : 350–1100 m
Flowring : April - May
Colour : Pink

Moth : Noctuidae : Oria musculosa

Moth : Noctuidae : Oria musculosa

Episkopi Limassol - May