Cyprus Discovery Map

Visit Our Map and Discovery Cyprus


Papilio Machaon - Swallowtail

Flowers - Plants

Anemone coronaria - Poppy Anemone - Ανεμώνη


Tzelefos Medieval Bridge - Μεσαιωνικό Γεφύρη Τζελεφού

Landscapes - Places - Villages - Churches

Akrotiri Beach, Episkopi Bay - Παραλία στο Ακρωτήρι, Κόλπος Επισκοπής


Little Egret , Λευκοτσικνιάς, Egretta garzetta

Dermaptera : Forficulidae : Forficula auricularia

Dermaptera of Cyprus
Family Name : Forficulidae
Scientific Name : Forficula auricularia
English Name : European earwig

November - Episkopi

Beaches of Limassol : Kourion Beach ( Αγ. Ερμογένης - Κούριο )

Beaches of Limassol : Kourion Beach ( Αγ. Ερμογένης - Κούριο )

Moth : Crambidae : Evergestis isatidalis

Moth of Cyprus : Evergestis isatidalis
Family Name : Crambidae
Size : 13 mm

November - Episkopi Limassol

Moth : Pyralidae : Pyralis farinalis

Moth of Cyprus : Pyralis farinalis
Family Name : Pyralidae
English Name : Meal Moth
Size : 19 - 32 mm