Cyprus Discovery Map

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Papilio Machaon - Swallowtail

Flowers - Plants

Anemone coronaria - Poppy Anemone - Ανεμώνη


Tzelefos Medieval Bridge - Μεσαιωνικό Γεφύρη Τζελεφού

Landscapes - Places - Villages - Churches

Akrotiri Beach, Episkopi Bay - Παραλία στο Ακρωτήρι, Κόλπος Επισκοπής


Little Egret , Λευκοτσικνιάς, Egretta garzetta

Coleoptera : Curculionidae : Rhytideres plicatus

Insects of Cyprus
Coleoptera of Cyprus
Scientific Name : Curculionidae
Family Name : Rhytideres plicatus
Category :  Broad-nosed Weevils

Moth : Lasiocampidae : Lasiocampa terreni

Moth of Cyprus : Lasiocampa terreni
Family : Lasiocampidae

Bird : Falco subbuteo ( Eurasian Hobby - Δεντρογέρακο )

Bird of Cyprus : Falco subbuteo ( Eurasian Hobby - Δεντρογέρακο )
Size : 29 - 35 cm
Wingspan : 70 - 84 cm
Eggs : 1 - 4
Habitat : forests with fields
Feeding : Mainly birds and insects- occasionally bats, small ground mammals, and reptiles

Bird : Aythya fuligula ( Tufted Duck - Μαυροκέφαλη Πάπια )

Bird of Cyprus : Aythya fuligula ( Tufted Duck - Μαυροκέφαλη Πάπια )
Size : 40 - 47 cm
Wingspan : 65 - 72 cm
Eggs : 8 - 15
Feeding : roots, seeds, and buds of aquatic plants and clams, snails, aquatic insects, and sometimes amphibians and small fishes

Flora : Verbenaceae : Verbena officinalis

Flora of Cyprus
Family Name : Verbenaceae
Scientific Name : Verbena officinalis
Flowering : October - November
Endemism : not endemic
Status : Indigenous (IN)
Altitudinal range  : 0–1375 m

Phassouri, Limassol, Cyprus

Flora : Lamiaceae : Phlomis lunariifolia

Flora of Cyprus
Family Name : Lamiaceae
Scientific Name : Phlomis lunariifolia
Flowering : April
Colour : Yellow
Endemism : near-endemic, also in Turkey (Anatolia)
Status : Indigenous (IN)
Altitudinal range  : 0 - 625 m

Neuroptera of Cyprus : Creoleon plumbeus

Neuroptera of Cyprus : Creoleon plumbeus

Sights and Landscapes of Cyprus : Edro III Shipwreck

Sights and Landscapes of Cyprus : Edro III Shipwreck
Location : Peyia Sea Caves
Flag of the Ship : Sierra Leone
It was wrecked : 7-8 October 2011