ZYGOPTERA (Damselflies of Cyprus)
Ιουνίου 23, 2015
ZYGOPTERA (Damselflies) | |||
Family | Genus | Scientific name | Common name |
CALOPTERYGIDAE | Calopteryx (Demoiselles) | Calopteryx splendens | Banded demoiselle |
| Calopteryx virgo | Beautiful demoiselle | |
COENAGRIONIDAE | Ischnura (Bluetails) | Ischnura elegans | Common bluetail |
Ischnura pumilio | Small bluetail | ||
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Erythromma (Brighteyes) | Erythromma lindenii | Blue-eye | |
Erythromma viridulum | Small redeye | ||
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EUPHAEIDAE | Epallage (Odalisques) | Epallage fatime | Odalisque |
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LESTIDAE | Lestes (Spreadwings) | Lestes barbarus | Migrant spreadwing |
Lestes macrostigma | Dark spreadwing | ||
Lestes parvidens | Eastern willow spreadwing | ||
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Sympecma (Winter damsels) | Sympecma fusca | Common winter damsel |
Butterflies of Cyprus - List
Ιουνίου 19, 2015
Papilio machaon | Swallowtail | Papilionidae |
Zerynthia cerisyi | Eastern Festoon | Papilionidae |
Aporia crataegi | Black-veined White | Pieridae |
Pieris brassicae | Large White | Pieridae |
Artogeia rapae | Small White | Pieridae |
Pontia edusa | Eastern Bath White | Pieridae |
Pontia chloridice | Small Bath White | Pieridae |
Euchloe ausonia | Eastern Dappled White | Pieridae |
Anthocharis cardamines | Orange Tip | Pieridae |
Colias croceus | Clouded Yellow | Pieridae |
Colias erate | eastern pale clouded yellow | Pieridae |
Gonepteryx cleopatra | Cleopatra | Pieridae |
Neozephyrus quercus | Purple Hairstreak | Lycaenidae |
Apharitis acamas | Levantine Leopard | Lycaenidae |
Deudorix livia rare | Pomegranate Hairstreak | Lycaenidae |
Lycaena phlaeas | Small Copper | Lycaenidae |
Lycaena thersamon | Lesser Fiery Copper | Lycaenidae |
Lampides boeticus | Long-tailed Blue | Lycaenidae |
Leptotes pirithous | Lang’s Short-tailed Blue | Lycaenidae |
Tarucus balkanicus | Little Tiger Blue | Lycaenidae |
Celastrina argiolus | Holly Blue | Lycaenidae |
Glaucopsyche paphos | Paphos Blue | Lycaenidae |
Zizeeria karsandra | Dark Grass Blue | Lycaenidae |
Azanus jesous rare | African Babul Blue | Lycaenidae |
Chilades galba | Small Desert Blue | Lycaenidae |
Chilades trochylus | Grass Jewel | Lycaenidae |
Pseudophilotes vicrama | Eastern Baton Blue | Lycaenidae |
Aricia agestis | Brown Argus | Lycaenidae |
Polyommatus icarus | Common Blue | Lycaenidae |
Libythea celtis | Nettle-tree Butterfly | Libytheidae |
Danaus chrysippus | Plain Tiger | Danaidae |
Charaxes jasius | Two-tailed Pasha | Nymphalidae |
Limenitis reducta | Southern White Admiral | Nymphalidae |
Nymphalis polychloros (rare) | Large Tortoiseshell | Nymphalidae |
Vanessa cardui | Painted Lady | Nymphalidae |
Vanessa atalanta | Red Admiral | Nymphalidae |
Argynnis pandora | Cardinal | Nymphalidae |
Issoria lathonia (rare) | Queen of Spain Fritillary | Nymphalidae |
Hipparchia syriaca | Eastern Rock Grayling | Satyridae |
Hipparchia cypriensis | Cyprus Grayling | Satyridae |
Chazara briseis larnacana | The Hermit | Satyridae |
Pseudochazara anthelea | White-banded Grayling | Satyridae |
Maniola cypricola | Cyprus Meadow Brown | Satyridae |
Hyponephele lupina | Oriental Meadow Brown | Satyridae |
Pararge aegeria | Speckled Wood | Satyridae |
Lasiommata megera | Wall Brown | Satyridae |
Lasiommata maera | Large Wall Brown | Satyridae |
Kirinia roxelana | Lattice Brown | Satyridae |
Ypthima asterope | African Ringlet | Satyridae |
Carcharodus alceae | Mallow Skipper | Hesperiidae |
Thymelicus acteon | Lulworth Skipper | Hesperiidae |
Gegenes pumilio | Pigmy Skipper | Hesperiidae |
Pelopidas thrax | Millet Skipper | Hesperiidae |
Old Bridge : Seven arches bridge - Eptakamaro gefiri ( Limassol Cyprus )
Ιουνίου 16, 2015
Seven arches bridge - Eptakamaro gefiri
Cyprus Discovery presents you the seven arches bridge that locates at Limassol Ipsonas. This is bridge is different from the others because of its seven arches. The bridge construction in 1914.
Το Cyprus Discovery σας παρουσιάζει το επτακάμαρο γεφύρι που βρίσκεται στη Λεμεσό στο χωριό Ύψωνας . Αυτό είναι ένα διαφορετικό γεφύρι από τα άλλα λόγω των επτά καμάρων του. Το γεφύρι κατασκευάστικε το 1914.
Cyprus Discovery presents you the seven arches bridge that locates at Limassol Ipsonas. This is bridge is different from the others because of its seven arches. The bridge construction in 1914.
Το Cyprus Discovery σας παρουσιάζει το επτακάμαρο γεφύρι που βρίσκεται στη Λεμεσό στο χωριό Ύψωνας . Αυτό είναι ένα διαφορετικό γεφύρι από τα άλλα λόγω των επτά καμάρων του. Το γεφύρι κατασκευάστικε το 1914.
Dragonflies of Cyprus : Orthetrum chrysostigma ( Epaulet skimmer )
Ιουνίου 15, 2015
Orthetrum chrysostigma ( Epaulet skimmer )
The Cyprus Discovery presents you the Epaulet skimmer. The Epaulet skimmer is one of the dragonflies found in Cyprus. Its scientific name is Orthetrum chrysostigma and owns to Libellulidae family.
The Cyprus Discovery presents you the Epaulet skimmer. The Epaulet skimmer is one of the dragonflies found in Cyprus. Its scientific name is Orthetrum chrysostigma and owns to Libellulidae family.
Sights : Zapalo Bay Episkopi - Κόλπος Ζαπάλο Επισκοπή
Ιουνίου 05, 2015
Zapalo Bay Episkopi - Κόλπος Ζαπάλο Επισκοπή
The Zapalo bay is located in Episkopi Limassol near the sacred Temple of Apollo Hylates. It is also known as the bay of Tripitis. The Zapalo bay is an area with fantastic view that just a few people know about it and visit it because of the rough road. Its name comes from ZAPALO which was a company transporting large quantities of gravel from there for the needs of construction. The Zapalo bay is ideal for swimming, fishing and bird watching.
Ο κόλπος Ζαπάλο βρίσκεται στην περιοχή της Επισκοπής Λεμεσού κοντά στον Ιερο ναό του Απόλλωνα του Υλάτη. Επίσης είναι γνωστός και ως κολπίσκος της Τρυπητής. Ο κόλπος Ζαπάλο είναι μια περιοχή με φανταστική θέα όπου λίγοι την γνωρίζουν και την επισκέπτονται λόγο του δύσβατου δρόμου. Το όνομά του το πήρε από την εταιρείας ΖΑΠΑΛΟ, όπου μετέφεραν από εκεί μεγάλες ποσότητες αμμοχάλικου για τις ανάγκες του κατασκευαστικού τομέα. Ο κόλπος Ζαπάλο προσφέρεται για κολύμπι, ψάρεμα και παρατήρηση πουλιών.